
WellBeing Pediatrics

"Do Not Be Daunted"

Completed 2022, designed and painted by Annika Salzberg. Many thanks to my painting assistants, Ana Carpenter, Jessica Peery, Hayley Schroeder, Chloe Cho, Lilly Elliot, Julie Davis, and everyone who fueled me with snacks/cold water/coffee!

Ithaca Sciencenter

Dragonfly Life Cycle

Completed 2021, designed and painted by Hayley Schroeder and Annika Salzberg. 

South Hill Rec Trail

"Through Diversity We Flourish" 

Completed in 2020, designed and painted by Hayley Schroeder and Annika Salzberg.

Art around Ithaca

Small projects I've done around town!

The painting process

Some photos of the process, including some of my own murals and some where I assisted other artists!

Buy a coloring book!

Check out mine and 140+ other artists' work in the official Ithaca Murals coloring book! Available at stores locally in Ithaca or online here

Ithaca Murals is a wonderful nonprofit that I've had the privilege to work with for several years. Consider supporting their efforts to bring art to our Ithaca community by getting involved or donating!